Stay Safe Inquiry into Mobile Speed Camera Rules
Member for Barwon, Roy Butler has thrown his support behind an inquiry into the removal of mobile speed camera warning signs through the Parliamentary Road Safety committee.
“In November last year the NSW Government announced it would remove the warning signs from mobile speed cameras and triple their hours. They said at the time this is in support of the ‘Towards Zero’ initiative,” said Mr Butler.
“The Government made the change, without the oversight of the Parliament, to quote “reduce the number of road fatalities”. Data released last month showed that this year 93 people have tragically lost their lives on our roads, compared to 94 in the same period last year.
“Any death, is tragic. And we should do all we can to prevent fatalities, but the numbers speak for themselves when it comes to the impact this rule change has had on fatalities.
“The rule changes which removed the warning signs 250m and 50m ahead of mobile speed cameras has netted the NSW Government $14.88 million in fines this year, with drivers being fined and losing points for being a handful of kilometres over the speed limit.
“Drivers who are being caught for being dangerously over the speed limit, or those who are putting other road users at risk should absolutely be penalised for their behaviour, but getting a fine in the mail a few weeks later does nothing to stop poor driver behaviour on the day. The signs in my opinion did go a way to getting people to review their speed and make adjustments and change their driver behaviour.
“I’m encouraging people to have their say about the rule changes through making a submission to the inquiry before 9 July 2021. A submission doesn’t need to be long, just your experiences and opinions.”
Make a submission on the NSW Parliament website.