Congratulations Amanda Cheal – Barwon Local Woman of the Year

Member for Barwon, Roy Butler has announced Amanda Cheal of Walgett as the 2021 Barwon Local Woman of the Year.
“Amanda Cheal is a champion of young people, her passion for supporting the youth of Walgett and many other towns in the Barwon electorate brought her to the top of a long list of very worthy women that I considered for this accolade,” said Mr Butler.
“The love Amanda has for the youth of Walgett is life changing for many. Amanda along with the PCYC guide the kids into pathways that lead to a better future. As a result Amanda and the team at the PCYC’s constant dedication there has been a decline in police – youth reportable interactions in Walgett.
“Amanda has been the driving force behind ensuring the Walgett PCYC receives funding to enable them to get out of a demountable building and into a purpose built facility.
“Amanda shows that individuals can make a large difference in communities and the lives of young people. During every visit I’ve made to the PCYC at Walgett I have seen first-hand young people who are comfortable and confident in the company of the adults around them be it a didgeridoo making, aboriginal dance class or just chilling out.
“Amanda is a dynamo exhibiting dedication leadership. She is great example of the leadership demonstrated by women across Barwon.”
The Award is presented as part of the annual Women of the Year Awards. These annual awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding contribution made by women across NSW to industry, communities and society.