The Nats Bluster
10 September, 2020
Today the NSW National party had their bluff to leave the Coalition called. I never thought they would leave, after all they didn’t leave in August 2018, June 2019, August 2019, February 2020… (check out the SMH article for all the toy throwing).
After the ultimatum issued by the Premier, it’s even more likely they will return to being the junior coalition partner.
The Nationals will continue to vote as the party room says they should, even if it is against regional NSW.
I spoke with Rob Stokes this morning, he is still willing to talk to The Nationals about the Koala SEPP, but they are talking to media instead.
It's odd to me that the Deputy Premier of this State can't influence the policy of the NSW Government, as many have heard him say - he's at the decision making table. My Party and I aren't but we have been able to...