Local Government Elections must go on
A number of people have contacted me across the vast Barwon Electorate who hold concerns that five years is too long a term for Local Government.
Elections are an essential part of our democracy and they are inherently healthy, they ensure that those who are elected and those who want to stand for election face scrutiny and have to answer the questions of the public. They serve as an opportunity for new talent; people with differing experiences and abilities can be put into the team.
I see no reason that Local Government shouldn’t face the ratepayers and residents in September this year as is the normal cycle. The only condition I place on this is that current health advice at that time is adhered to.
Surely if we can travel, our kids can go back to school, attend a supermarket with 100 other people and go to a pub we can also elect a new Council. Local Government Councillors do an excellent job with very little financial reward. Many will be returned, many will not stand again and the new entrants will do a fine job for their communities.
Please let me know your thoughts on having the election this September and not extending the term of Council by another year.