Independent Planning Commission process must run its course in the mandated way
The Narrabri Gas Project has been referred by the Minister for Planning to the Independent Planning Commission for determination. As part of this determination there is a requirement for public hearings. Due to the current ban on public gatherings how these hearings will be held is up in the air.
It is my view that the Independent Planning Commission process must run its course in the mandated way – if that means the process needs to be put on hold until public hearings can be held then that’s what needs to happen.
With such a significant project as the Narrabri Gas Project, there cannot be an deviation from the mandated process. The decision that the Independent Planning Commission might make, will have long running impact on the community, no matter which way it goes.
There are so many unanswered questions about the Narrabri Gas Project, the fact the project cannot be underwritten and the Chief Scientist’s recommendations haven’t been implemented are extremely concerning to me.
This all needs to be explored through a transparent, independent process that is left to run its legal course.
With Parliament suspended and the inability for public scrutiny and input - the assessment of this project must be put on hold until a democratic, transparent process can be used.