Community Recognition Statement - Congratulations Rebekah Charnock

Community Recognition Statement delivered in the Fifty-Seventh Parliament of New South Wales by the Member for Barwon Roy Butler on 26 September 2019.
Congratulations to Family Day Care educator Rebekah Charnock who has been recognised as one of Australia’s finest early childhood educators.
Rebekah was announced the as the Far West and Central North regional winner for the 2019 Excellence in Family Day Care Awards on 19 September.
Australia’s Excellence in Family Day Care Awards highlight the amazing work carried out by day‑care workers like Rebekah every year, as well as recognising the bonds shared with family day care educators, the children they work with, and the importance of early childhood intervention.
Rebekah is now in the running to be named as a national finalist for the National Family Day Care Educator of the year award, to be announced in November. I would like to thank Rebekah for her contribution and hard work in childhood care and wish her the best of luck in the National Awards.