Australian Men's shed association grants now open
The Australian Government Department of Health, National Shed Development Program administered by the Australian Men’s Shed Association - round 21 is now open.
The program provides direct financial assistance to:
- Assist to address the health and wellbeing of Shed members.
- Support health improvements through a focus on the social determinants of health through national activities in relation to key population groups.
- Deliver appropriate activities and programs.
- Improve facilities and the sustainability of Men’s Sheds across Australia.
Round 21 will specifically prioritise applications requesting events, Shed improvements and equipment with a strong health, well-being or safety emphasis, in acknowledgement of the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of Sheds in the recovery period (and beyond).
Individual Men’s Sheds in Australia can apply for a range of financial support across three funding categories:
- Category 1: Health and Well-being Events (max $8,000)
- Category 2: Shed Improvements (max $8,000)
- Category 3: Equipment (max $5,000)
The program is open to both developing and established Men’s Sheds and also to Members and Non-Members of the Australian Men’s Shed Association. Applications close 27 November 2020. For more information and how to apply please visit the Men's Shed website.