Government votes against supporting water infrastructure projects in Bourke and Walgett

“This drought has exacerbated decades of government negligence and underwhelming water infrastructure planning,” says Member for Barwon Roy Butler.
“Across the western NSW, there are towns staring down the barrel of being without water in the months to come. This is an urgent and dire situation for communities in my electorate.”
Last week the NSW Parliament debated the Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019, a bill that will allow the State Government to expedite the Wyangala Dam wall raising, the development of a dam on the Mole River and a new Dungowan Dam.
“As part of this debate I sought to include works in Bourke and Walgett – to improve their water supply and water quality.
“The Government voted against giving these projects the same level of importance, and support through the State Government approvals process.
“A decision I cannot understand when their own reporting says that Bourke is at a ‘very high-risk’ of running out of water.
“If the Government is serious about upgrading water infrastructure, they should make sure that all towns and communities are given equal opportunity.
“Now is not the time to be saying that certain communities need Government attention and assistance more than another.”
Shooters Fishers and Farmers members in the Legislative Council will move changes to include the Bourke and Walgett projects in the Bill when Parliament returns in November.