Wee Waa High School update
Last week's New South Wales budget included a line item $37,830,000 for the building of the new Wee Waa High School.
Many will be aware that serious health issues for staff and students over a number of years caused the closure of the high school. The co-location of the high school at the public school has been a stop gap measure.
I welcome the news that the funding for the new high school is in place and along with my NSW Upper House Shooters, Fishers and Farmers colleagues will continue to scrutinise the process that makes decisions as to the details of the new high school, including student numbers. The opportunity is there to build a fully modern high school and include the capacity for students to focus on agricultural technology. Modern agriculture already does and will increasingly require skilled technicians, I've been asked by community members to ensure that this is included in the mix as considerations and decisions are made. It is also important to ensure that the process failures that lead to such a serious health risks being experienced by students and staff is evaluated and made public.
The public forum that was set for the 23rd June was cancelled and I look forward to the replacement session being advertised to allow the public input into these important decisions.