Regional Health Inquiry - Making a Submission
This year an Upper House inquiry was established to inquire into the health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW.
Through this inquiry the committee (made up of Upper House Members of Parliament) will examine health outcomes, patient experiences, wait-times and quality of care for people who live in rural, regional and remote NSW. The committee will also look at access to health services including the barriers we face in western NSW.
The committee will also examine NSW Health's planning systems and projections - these contribute to what health services are provided in certain areas.
I'm calling on people across Barwon to make a submission to this inquiry before the 13 December deadline.
Submissions must be made online.
Why am I calling on people to make a submission?
This is quite possibly a once in a decade opportunity to have direct input to a Parliamentary Inquiry into Regional Health.
I am trying to get as many people as possible to share their experiences so that the recommendations of the committee can reflect the needs and concerns of people in the bush.
Following months and months of campaigning and meetings with the Health Minister and other Members of Parliament, this inquiry was announced. It is now over to members of the community to make their voice heard by making a submission.
What does making a submission mean?
Anyone can make a submission to this inquiry. Submissions give committee members more information and understanding of an issue and inform them about how you feel about an issue.
Submissions inform the committee's report and can help a committee to make recommendations to government.
A submission must be made in writing to the Parliament through their online form. My team can help you with this if computers aren't your strong point.
How do I write a submission?
There is no set way to write a submission and no right or wrong way to go about it. It can be a letter to the committee with your story or a more substantial document covering your views or key issues.
Submissions can include facts, opinions, arguments and solutions – committees value ideas and suggestions in relation to the issues they are considering.
You can choose to remain anonymous, or to have your submission published with your name attached to it.
Submission tips
Some of the best submissions:
- include a short introduction about yourself or the organisation you represent
- clearly address some or all of the terms of reference
- are relevant, concise and clear in the position or view put forward
- outline what the issues are but also possible solutions
- refer to evidence, such as research, laws, policies or findings
- include case studies or stories that show how people are affected by particular issues (although these should not include names or any identifying information)
- have a clear structure and use page numbers
- include clear recommendations.
Inquiry Terms of Reference
The committee is inquiring into and reporting on health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW, and in particular:
- health outcomes for people living in rural, regional and remote NSW;
- a comparison of outcomes for patients living in rural, regional and remote NSW compared to other local health districts across metropolitan NSW;
- access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW including service availability, barriers to access and quality of services;
- patient experience, wait-times and quality of care in rural, regional and remote NSW and how it compares to metropolitan NSW;
- an analysis of the planning systems and projections that are used by NSW Health in determining the provision of health services that are to be made available to meet the needs of residents living in rural, regional and remote NSW;
- an analysis of the capital and recurrent health expenditure in rural, regional and remote NSW in comparison to population growth and relative to metropolitan NSW;
- an examination of the staffing challenges and allocations that exist in rural, regional and remote NSW hospitals and the current strategies and initiatives that NSW Health is undertaking to address them;
- the current and future provision of ambulance services in rural, regional and remote NSW;
- the access and availability of oncology treatment in rural, regional and remote NSW;
- the access and availability of palliative care and palliative care services in rural, regional and remote NSW;
- an examination of the impact of health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW on indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities; and
- any other related matters.