How can we even consider proceeding with a project like Coal Seam Gas in Narrabri?

With only 2 of the 16 Chief Scientists recommendations fully implemented (NSW Parliament Report 42, Portfolio Committee #4), no contingency plans for towns reliant on groundwater, and the fact that no one will underwrite/insure the risks around groundwater how can we even consider proceeding with a project like Coal Seam Gas in Narrabri?
I am all for jobs, all for economic development and totally supportive of seeing industry in our towns. But if groundwater is compromised, all the economic activity won't count for much.
Today in Martin Place I caught up with the Sydney Knitting Nannas And Friends and made some points:
🛳 We export 3300 Petajoules of gas each year, we have become one of the largest exporters of gas in the world. We do not have a domestic gas reservation policy. (Talk to your Federal Member).
⁉️The Narrabri Project is for 70 Petajoules. A different export policy would solve this Canberra policy driven gas shortage. (Talk to your Federal Member).
🎉The International Gas market is in a glut with 10 year low prices. Currently <$4 a gigajoule (Cheap Gas).
😟According to an estimate from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), the cost at the (Narrabri) well head is $7.40 a gigajoule. (Not cheap energy).
💦 Water is by far our most precious resource. We should not risk long term ground water security for a short term gain. In this protracted drought, many of our communities are totally reliant on groundwater.
🎰 Gambling with water should not be considered when it is central to every thing we do. There are alternate sources of energy (including better policy!) but no alternatives for water.
💸 The Narrabri Gas Project wont deliver lower energy prices to the domestic market. I challenge anyone to prove that it would.