Far West drenched with record rainfall

Last Saturday, Broken Hill received about 36mm of rain during a thunderstorm in 15 to 20 minutes. Many of my constituents shared their joy (and relief) with me, sending videos of water running over the gutters near my electorate office, full dams and water pools spreading out over their properties.
This time most of the graziers and farmers across the Far West did receive a drink. Lachlan Gall of Langawirra Station tells me, “It was the highest, single day rainfall event since January 2015!”
As reported in ‘The Land’, widespread falls of 20 to 50 mm were recorded across areas that had missed out on rain earlier in the year and not seen effective rainfall since September 2016, with some totals in excess of 70 mm. This rain event was also a priceless follow-up for those stations lucky enough to receive rain earlier in the year, but were seeing pastures dry off as a result of a dry winter and warm start to spring.
This drenching has been considered to be the best rainfall that’s been seen for years and has possibly broken the drought for many Far West Pastoralists. It certainly is a real confidence booster for those that are in the process of rebuilding and restocking.
Most of the regional roads in the outback were closed as a result. Some of the attached images showcase water still lying near roadways in the Far West and the beautiful wildflowers that have just popped up.
In Broken Hill, 100 call outs were received by the SES, including two flood rescues, collapsed ceilings, and requests for sandbags to help with water flowing over the gutters into local stores. Some stores closed briefly to dry out with most returning to full operations on Monday. All were very happy with the rain as it was so needed.
The rain has lifted everyone’s spirits out west, as we’ve certainly been very patient.