Barwon boundaries unchanged
27 August, 2021
It seems like a discussion and debate from an age ago given all that's happened in the world since - but overnight the NSW Electoral Commission released its redistribution of electoral boundaries and Barwon will be unchanged.
You may recall there was much discussion about completely redrawing the boundaries of the Barwon Electorate or the electorate also taking in the Local Government Area of Gunnedah to meet a quota. The quota aims to meet the rule that very Member of Parliament should represent roughly the same number of people.
The Barwon Electorate will remain with the same boundaries at the 2023 election but is under the quotient due to our population. If Barwon were to expand to meet the population requirements the electorate would cover over 50% of the landmass of NSW. This is something a lot of people expressed issue with.
The redistribution is a requirement in NSW after two State General Elections have been conducted using the same electoral boundaries. There are changes to other electorate boundaries – if you’re interested in any of them you can check out the report from the Electoral Commission here: